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Exchange Shop from Above

Miraculous provision

It’s amazing … actually it’s a miracle. Two things happen over and over again across the Besom Network, at all our local Besoms.


We get given a random donation … like a vase - a truly random-looking vase and then the next day or the next week we get a referral for a family or individual with a simple need of food.  In conversation, we then find out that they really need a vase!  Not only that but the one vase sitting on our stock room shelf … that ‘random’ vase is exactly the kind of vase they had hoped for!  In these 'random' actions, God shows He loves to answer prayer and knows the smallest detail that will bless and surprise everyone.


It happens time and time again – curtains donated one day that perfectly fit windows the next day.  New-born nappies given to a local Besom for the first time ever and the next referral is for a single mum with a new-born baby.


It’s like God knows exactly what people need!  He uses these 'random' events to astound and make people wonder. Watch the video below for another amazing example pf God's provision.

Have a look around

Many of us have good quality things that we do not use or need, local Besoms provide a service that enables you to pass them on to people who really need them. We call this intentional and connected giving.


Those who are re-housed are often given homes with absolutely nothing in them. People escaping domestic violence may have to leave all their possessions behind.


Through a network of contacts in social services, charities, refugee and family centres, local Besoms constantly hear about people living on the edge of daily existence. With your help, we are able to match up the things given with the needs we hear about, and the service is absolutely free to the recipient.


More than a clear-out

Some churches have set up Besom boxes in their entrance foyers – that way members can bring things each week to donate.  Bedlinens, long-life food or small household appliances, crockery and housewares.


Some churches decide to use Harvest Sunday as a way to give to Besom or choose to sponsor Christmas hampers.  Throughout the year, some home groups will make up a kitchen starter pack, baby bundle or Christmas hamper each.


Most local Besoms also take larger donations of good condition furniture and large appliances.  Collection of these can be arranged with your local Besom.

“Before I give something to Besom I normally pray and ask God if it would be helpful – rather than just clearing out my stuff to make room for new stuff!”

Besom Supporter

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